Complaints and Appeals process:
When a stakeholder is not accepting a decision made by Consilium Labs Inc, e.g. related to suspension or withdrawal of certificates, decisions and response to registered complaints, etc., Consilium provides an impartial and independent Appeals process. Appeals shall be made formally in writing within 14 days after having been officially informed of such a decision, give notice in writing to Consilium Labs Inc. An independent Appeals Panel is constituted which shall investigate the disputed decision and resolve the matter. The final decision of the Appeals Panel shall be sent to the appellant within 7 days of the decision in writing.
Consilium ensures that submission, investigation and decision on appeals does not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.
A complaint is normally an expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal sent to Consilium labs. Inc. It may be related to:
- Consilium Labs Inc functions, for example, how we deliver our services, the content of the services, how we organize our work etc.
- Performance of a Consilium certified organization
- A potential incident and an indication to possible nonconformity
Consilium shall evaluate the complaint and determine a responsible person to resolve the complaint ensuring that the person is not involved in the subject of the compliant. Any complaint will be investigated, corrections and corrective actions will be taken and effectiveness of corrective actions verified after the resolution of the complaint.
Consilium ensures that submission, investigation and decision on complaints does not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant.